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A Smooth Swing Weekend (English Version)

A smooth swing weekend

Let’s start 2023 with the return of the International Easy Swing Workshops!

From the 3rd to the 5th of February the SMOOTH SWING WEEKEND will be held with guests Egle Regelskis and Fred Caputo!

Three days of Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz with our two friends from Lithuania (Egle) and France (Fred).

You will have the possibility to choose between

  • Full Dance Track, 6 hours of classes (3 Lindy Hop + 3 Jazz only) Beginner-Intermediate (Level 1) or Intermediate-Advanced (Level 2)
  • Lindy Hop Track, 3 hours of class (Level 1 or 2)
  • Solo Jazz Track, 3 hours (Level 1 or 2)
  • 100% Beginner Track, 2 hours to discover Swing dance (1h Lindy Hop + 1h Solo Jazz)

In short, there is something for everyone!

Here is the official schedule of the A SMOOTH SWING WEEKEND (a final copy will be sent to you the week before the workshop)!

In LINDY TRACK you will have two specific hours of your Level (1 or 2) and one hour of OPEN CLASS, where you choose the thematic class that most inspires you 😉 (you will be given the choice before the workshop).


To check your level, you can click on the banners

Solo Jazz
Click here for Solo Jazz levels
Lindy Hop
Click here for Lindy Hop levels

Of course there will be parties with live bands and DJs and a lot of social moments and you will have more information soon (about the places, the bands and the DJs)!

Well, everything is very nice…

But how much is it?

Here are the official prices of the first ”a Smooth Swing Weekend” (just click below).

Of course, to benefit from ”reduced” prices you will need a code 😉 if you are an Easy Swing member, you have already received it !!!

Click here for Prices


Classes Saturday and Sunday – Fuzuê Cultural Center Rue Philippe Le Bon 15, 1000 Brussels

Friday and Sunday (afternoon) Parties – Jazz Station Chau. de Leuven 193/A, 1210 Brussels

–> 10 minutes by foot between the two venues 😉 <–


Egle Regelskis is a passionate international swing dancer, teacher, and performer from Vilnius, Lithuania, teaching and helping her students from all over the world to emerge.

Dancing was always in her blood. She first tried Ballroom and Folk dances, but it was when she found the family of Swing dances that she knew she had found what she was looking for!

Egle believes that dancing is something that helps people conquer their fears and truly connects them to who they really are.

She likes to say: “The way we are is the way we dance, magic happens when we step out of our comfort zone thereby accepting ourselves with all our weaknesses and strengths”.

She also believes that if one can walk one can dance, everything else depends on passion and willingness to work.

Smooth Swing Weekend EGLE


It was at the age of 19 that Fred discovered dancing.

First hip-hop and rock ‘n’ roll, and then he became passionate about boogie and lindy. Very talented in these styles, he wanted to meet the best dancers in the world in international competitions. Since then he has not stopped travelling to live his passion, to participate in social dances and competitions, but also to share his passion with other dancers in festivals.

Fred is invited to many national and international festivals. Through these festivals Fred wants to share the beauty and technique of the Lindy Hop.

Smooth Swing Weekend FRED

If you want to register for this fantastic Workshop

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